It started with coffee

BACK IN 2021, Bill Miller, recently returned to Reno, alarmed by the accelerating climate crisis he saw all around and looking for support, started meeting for coffee once a month with a few other concerned acquaintances. He’d been part of a chapter in Spokane and had joined Citizens’ Climate Lobby in Reno, but thought the local movement needed a social component. Something more engaging. Something more fun. Maybe a monthly coffee?


His vision wasn’t exactly prescient as only a handful of folks showed up over the next two years. But he—and they—kept at it. And the coffee was good. So why not?

Then, in the spring of 2023, Rich Bissett, one of the regulars, suggested Climateers actually do something. The group enthusiastically agreed and began batting around ideas. Rumor had it the mayor had complained that she wasn’t feeling much support from the climate community so the group thought, hey, we could start showing up for council meetings.


If so, how would anyone on the dais know we were there? That led to the idea of printing up custom neon-green t-shirts and that’s when things became interesting.

We worked out a shirt design, had a few printed, and showed up at the Reno City Council. To our amazement, we were well received. Devon Reese, then vice mayor, suggested we join them at a press announcement about how the city and county were utilizing federal environmental funds.


Okay. Why not?

Without intending to, we ended up behind the podium during their announcement and on the nightly news for all three local network TV  stations. We didn’t expect that.

Next up was a Washoe County Board of Commissioners meeting. Four of us attended and were again greeted like long lost family. We were asked to lead the pledge of allegiance and to pose for a selfie with the Council Chair, Alexis Hill.


That’s when we realized we’d stumbled onto something significant. Turns out many, if not most, of our local leaders want our support in responsibly dealing with climate issues. Who knew!?

So that’s become our mission: to support them every way we can. With our monthly coffees. By showing up, suited up, to let our local reps know we’re there to support them, regardless of our political or climate group affiliation.

Next, based on this success, is to take it to the next level by creating a Climateers ConFab after Earth Day to bring the entire local climate community and concerned citizens together and raise them up to a higher level of excitement, engagement, commitment and, most importantly, of FUN.


If you’ve read this far, thanks! Check out the rest of the site. Sign up to be notified about activities. Buy a ClimaTEES Shirt. Suit up and show up. It makes a difference. A huge difference.  And is even fun.

We’ll save you a seat.