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Join a local climate group

CLIMATEERS is a community climate catalyst, an activist cross-pollinator, and a local engagement accelerator. That’s our mission and purpose. And that’s as far as we go. So we don’t have, or intend to have, an agenda for any specific political or economic action. If you are feeling inspired to greater engagement—great! Go for it. These are the most active climate groups in Northern Nevada.

Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy climate change organization focused on national policies to address the national and global climate crisis. By building upon shared values, our nonpartisan approach to climate advocacy is designed to create a broad, lasting foundation for fair, effective, and sustainable solutions to climate change.  — Contact

The Sierra Club is the oldest and arguably most prestigious environmental organization in the world. Founded in 1892 by John Muir, their mission has always been to protect our natural environment. They offer enormous breadth, from organizing hiking trips to helping hammer out climate legislation.  – Contact

Th!rd Act is a relatively new organization. Launched in 2021 by founder and climate author Bill McKibben, it is targeted at people 60 and over (in the third act of life), who have the time, means and motivation (grandkids, etc.) to engage in effective climate activism. Although new, it is already thriving in Northern Nevada.  – Contact